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Tracking and budgeting
Don't know where it all goes?
Take a closer look at what you're spending by keeping a spending diary. Write down everything you spend in a notebook for at least a month. Use a spending tracker app on your phone - there are plenty of free ones available.
This will show you where your cash is going. Once you can see this clearly, set yourself a budget using a budget planner and stick to it. Make small cuts to your day-to-day spending- you could save you money in the long run. It all really does add up.
Money-saving tips
There are many different ways to save money - it's just about finding the right ones that suit you.
Take a look at the MoneyHelper site from the Money and Pension service. In the meantime, here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Make your own packed lunch.
- Walk or cycle twice a week.
- Cancel unused memberships.
- When shopping try using own brands and use your loyalty cards.
Stop living month to month
If you run out of cash by the time payday rolls around track your spending and plan how to cut costs. Prioritise your spending so you meet the essentials like your mortgage, rent or bill payments. Here are some tips to help you budget beyond payday:
- Use direct debits or standing orders to pay your monthly bills.
- Set yourself a budget and stick to it.
- Save for unexpected expenses.
- Set up different bank savings accounts for different types of spending.
Useful contacts
You might find the following websites useful as they provide more information about powers of attorney. You might also wish to seek advice from your local Citizen’s Advice Bureau or Solicitor:-
Free impartial advice on managing your money
Free tailored advice and practical solutions
Citizens Advice
General independent and free advice
National Debtline.org
Free independent and confidential debt advice
Christians Against Poverty
Free debt counselling in your community
Money Advice Scotland
Independent, impartial and confidential debt advice and financial inclusion
Debt Action Northern Ireland
Free independent, impartial and confidential debt and money advice across Northern Ireland