Reporting scams that pretend to be from real brands
Please contact these brands if you’ve:
- Received or seen something that uses their brand but looks like a scam
- Been asked to use their services in a way that seems suspicious
Please contact these brands if you’ve:
To report suspicious Western Union transactions, call their fraud hotline on: 0800 026 0309
Or report scams on the Western Union website:
If you think a scammer has got hold of your bank details or has access to your smart phone or computer, please call your bank right away. Use the phone number on the back of your card to be sure. You should also report any suspected fraud to the police.
If you’ve been the victim of a scam or other fraud or financial crime, here’s how to report it to the relevant authorities.
If you’ve been scammed, defrauded or have experienced cybercrime, report it to the police immediately.
Call Action Fraud, the UK’s national reporting centre, on: 0300 123 2040
or report incidents through their website:
Before you delete suspicious emails, report them by forwarding to:
You can report scam texts or calls free of charge to: 7726
To report a scam text, forward it to 7726 and then send the sender’s number when prompted.
To report a scam call, text 7726 with the word ‘Call’ followed by the scam caller’s number.
An easy way to remember 7726 is they’re the numbers on your phone keypad that spell out the word SPAM.